This is one of the most useful options in Tally.ERP9, every company should use this option weekly basis or ten days once, because if any Tally related file was lost, then you have to record all missing business transactions again in Tally, it will take time to record again, instead of this if you would have been taken data backup frequently then you can easily restore the recent data file and you will continue with the current transactions.
Path: Gateway of Tally -> (Alt+F3) Company info -> Backup
Click on YES to accept
In the above screen select the destination where you want to save the backup file and need to choose a company from the list for which company data you want to take backup.
Generally date wise will save the data backup file so, you can easily find recent dated backup file and you can restore the same in Tally.
This is one of the important options provided by Tally.ERP9. Generally in real time environment due to many reasons like data corruption, system crash and other technical issues there may be a chance to lose Tally related data files, due to this you have to take data backup frequently otherwise you have to record all missing transactions again. To avoid this problem, companies will take data backup and restore the recent dated data backup file when the file was lost.
Path: Go to Gateway of Tally ->(Alt+F3) Company info -> Restore
Once you click on restore option in the above screen, then the below screen will appear, here you have to select recent dated back up file.
Click on YES to accept
Export Data from Tally to Excel or PDF
Voucher Type Creation in Tally ERP9
Cost Centre and Cost Category in Tally ERP9
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