You can record the import of goods by using the purchase voucher in Tally.
GST is applicable depends on the type of import.
Taxable Import: Integrated tax is applicable. You have to select Imports Taxable as a nature of transaction.
Exempt Import: No tax is applicable. You have to select Imports Exempt as a nature of transaction.
Nil Rated Import: No tax is applicable. You have to select Imports Nil Rated as a nature of transaction.
Path: Gateway of Tally -> Accounting Info -> Ledgers-> Create
Path: Gateway of Tally -> Accounting Vouchers -> F9 Purchases
Example: ABC Company imports 10 Dell computers from Peter & Co, situated at Singapore each@52000.
Supplier invoice no: ABC/256
Date: 02.08.2017
Party a/c name: Peter & Co
Purchase ledger: Import Purchases Taxable
Name of Item: Dell Computers
Select quantity and rate of each
Press enter to save the screen
You can see the impact in GSTR-2 report. Keep the cursor on import of goods-5 and press the enter.
Go to the purchase invoice recorded earlier
Select purchase ledger
Select the stock item, enter quantity and rate
Add customs duty value to the original taxable value in tax classification details screen.
Custom duty will be calculated according to the rate specified by the government.
See the impact in GSTR-2 report
Path: Gateway of Tally -> Accounts info -> Ledgers -> Create
Name: Custom Duty
Under: Purchases
Inventory values are affected: Yes
Method of appropriation in purchase invoice: Appropriate by value
Is GST applicable: Not applicable
Press enter to save the screen
Path: Gateway of Tally -> Accounting Vouchers -> F5 Payment
Press enter to save the screen
In the inventory allocation screen select name of item and enter amount only.
Path: Gateway of Tally -> Accounting vouchers -> F7 Journal
Click on Stat Adjustment
Debit the tax on imports (Created under current assets) and credit the integrated tax ledger.
Press enter to save the screen
Path: Gateway of Tally -> Accounting Vouchers -> F7 Journal
Click on Stat Adjustment
Debit the integrated tax and credit the tax on imports ledger.
Press enter to save the screen
Path: Gateway of Tally -> Display -> Statutory Reports -> GSTR-3B
GST Import of Services under Reverse Charge in Tally ERP9
Recording of GST Purchases from Unregistered Dealer in Tally ERP9
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